PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.16
By PlaneShift Team,
January 8th 2022
One comment.

Hello PlaneShifters, we are happy to announce a new Alpha is available, it is release 0.7.16 !! This is a full release, so you need to download it fully.
This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). A special thank to all the people who are participating in our live streams, testing the game, and giving feedback, supporting through Patreons and donations! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.
For Windows users, be sure to launch the game/updater with Administrator rights. In this release we upgraded to Unreal Engine version 4.27.2, but unfortunately we are still facing some issues on Linux, which is crashing often.
Here is a list of changes:
Added first set of levers to be used in dungeons
Made levers functional, including ability to open gates/doors
Added the context menu for iteractable objects (Use icon), example to activate a lever
Added new dungeon (still to be populated with creatures) to test levers and traps, try to find it and explore it.
Added new dungeon props: cage, pillory, chair, table, ....
Fixes on Hydlaa map holes and other map bugs
Display of skills/stats buffs in the Skills window, based on magical items equipped
Added new walls and arches to be used in dungeon creation
Added new metal materials
Added new system to manage special abilities
Added ability to search secret doors
Added fire trap sounds and fire trap particle effect
Added ability to search traps and remove traps
Extended the context menu (right click) to have search trap and remove trap icons
Implemented trap functionality on levers and chests
Allow traps to be present on ground as well, triggering based on player proximity
Added Pressure Pad item to be used in dungeons
More dungeon items added
Added ability to Brute force doors (when possible)
Added new audio for mechanisms (levers and such)
Fixed interactable light, you can turn on and off some lights
Added coamti variation, we now have two
Fixed Kadael tavern material (still looks dark due to other issues)
Updated our game to UNREAL ENGINE 4.27.2
Added new golden chest item
Added new smith tongs (3 types)
Fixed pickup of items (was bugged in multiplayer scenarios)
Fixed problems with resurrect upon death in wrong place (dryken plane)
Increased crouch movement speed
Fixed NPC rotation, should now rotate better while in fights
We realized we never posted the changelog for our previous release, 0.7.15, so here it is
Added Gobble, Tloke and Velnishi 3d models, which were missing as not compatible with UE in their original form. We had to remake those. Added textures and animations.
Fixed speed in blendspaces for many monsters
Fixed credits window, still basic, but at least functional now
Working version of dice minigame (still has some crashes)
Added sounds to minigames
Thanks to our sponsor, we got a permanent new server to use for PSUnreal, its listed in the client as "PROD Server", please use this one from now on
Fixed corrupted item modifiers description
In the item details window we are now showing stack count only if it is greater than 1
Ability to equip torch, and still keep its item properties
Added ability of scripted items (Blueprints) to be dropped into the world and spawned
Fixed Laanx temple collision, some areas were blocking movement
Various map fixes
Improved the Drykenplane level, by fixing some boundaries to avoid falling down
Still in Drykenplane, added invisible guide on first elevator to make it simpler to use
Fixed spellbook : scrollbar on spell description
Improve the way we manage relationships between characters and active spells to fix the crashes on spell cancel trigger
Fixed mounts! Those should be moving much better now
Fixed character movement speed. Due to a bug all characters (monsters and players) were moving at the same speed. Now we can specify different speed
Pet will stop following you when you ride
Fixed button scroll to end in chat for all panels
Fixed guild join/leave crash
At the moment Windows and Linux are available. For Mac we will create it if there is enough request.
All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.